Kim Murray (formerly Schanz), a Montana native, has always loved art. Her favorite thing about elementary school was all the art projects. But art wasn’t offered in high school – only home-ec (sewing, cake decorating and cooking for those of you that can relate) and shop class (buiding things and wood working). One of Kim’s teachers saw her talent (thank you Ms. Dutton) and drove her to the neighboring town once a month for after-hours art classes with the teacher there. Kim learned about perspective and developed her skills with acrylic painting. That experience was priceless.

When Kim got to Montana State University in Bozeman, she started out in Pre-Vet. It took one semester for her to realize she simply didn’t fit in with all the Wranglers, cowboy boots and chewing tobacco. Kim wandered from department to department, aimlessly looking for something she would like better. She stumbled upon the College of Art & Architecture. After loving her first graphic design class, she promply changed her major. Kim was happy to continue down the art path.

In 1997, Kim graduated from MSU and moved to San Diego (where it doesn’t snow) and started painting again to fill the bare walls in her apartment. Before long, Kim got a job as a full time graphic designer and painted custom art for her friends and coworkers in her spare time. She still designs full time and paints whenever she can, or whenever someone needs custom artwork. She calls painting “therapy”.

Kim’s home-ec and shop class skills from high school do still come in handy when she needs them. She loves getting her hands dirty and the challenge of building things. Why not put those skills together with painting? So Kim started fixing up the cheap furniture in her house instead of getting rid of it (reduce, reuse, recycle!) This whole concept spawned another idea… Kim soon joined forces with her friends/coworkers Norma and Manuel, along with her husband Ryan. Together, they’re demonstrating how to turn crap into fab. Their efforts to rescue items from the landfill have truly paid off!

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We Thrive On Challenging Projects That Produce Bigger Rewards.

The Right Tools. The Right Solution.

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Beautiful Images

Images tell a story, share a feeling and reveal information to your viewer.

Images Tell A Story

Rest assure we will incorporate beautiful imagery into your project so it stands out to the world.

Intuitive Options

Our intuitive options allow you to quickly and easily customize your web site.

Interfaces Matter

Options are useless without a clear understanding of what they do. We include intuitive, easy to use options.


No matter what screen size or device, your content will look amazing.

Looks Amazing

Your content matters most, and needs to be accessible anywhere, anytime. This happens with our framework.

Satisfied Users
Cups of Coffee
Development Hours

Meet Your New Best Friends, Our Gurus.

John Doe
John DoeDeveloper
Redantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa qu ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architectos beatae vitae dicta sunt explicaboemo enimse ets.
Graphic Design 93%
Graphic Design 86%
Jane Doe
Jane DoeDeveloper
Redantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa qu ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architectos beatae vitae dicta sunt explicaboemo enimse ets.
WordPress 96%
Web Design 85%
Jim Doe
Jim DoeDeveloper
Redantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa qu ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architectos beatae vitae dicta sunt explicaboemo enimse ets.
Javascript 95%

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We Are Creative

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We Have Intuition

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We Are Determined

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We’re Here To Help Your Business Blast Off!

Through Creative Ideas, Innovation & Sheer Determination